Kiran Banerjee, PhD

Dr. Kiran Banerjee is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science where he holds the position of Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Immigrant and Refugee Integration. Dr. Banerjee’s research addresses migration governance with a focus on the normative role of international institutions and domestic political actors in responding to forced displacement. As Canada Research Chair, Banerjee's current research agenda focuses on developing effective policy responses to forced displacement at the domestic, regional, and international level. In bridging normative, theoretical, and policy-oriented perspectives, his research brings a holistic and multilevel analysis to the study of forced migration, highlighting the interdependent dimensions of effective domestic refugee resettlement, multilateral asylum policy, and global cooperation on the provision of international protection.

 Before joining the Department of Political Science at Dalhousie University, Banerjee was a faculty member in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan and also a SSHRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of International and Public Affairs and Research Scholar at the Global Policy Initiative, Columbia University. Dr. Banerjee holds a Ph.D. from the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. He received an MA degree in Social Sciences and BA degree in Philosophy from the University of Chicago in 2006.

 Reflecting an ecumenical approach in his broader scholarly work, Banerjee's research extends to various areas including migration studies, political theory, international ethics, science and technology, international relations theory, and the history of political thought, as well as legal theory.

Selected publications & reports:

2020. “International Relations and Migration: Studying Mobility as Norm Rather than Exception,” (with Craig Damian Smith) ed. Jamie Levin. Nomad-State Relationships in International Relations: Before and After Borders. Palgrave.

2020. “Communities of Practice, Impression Management, and Great Power Status,” (with Joseph MacKay) European Journal of International Security, 5.3.

2018. “Global Governance and Forced Migration: Expanding the Scope of International Protection,” Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. 56, no. 1.

2018. “Race and the Meso-Level Sources of Domination,” (with Abraham Singer) Political Research Quarterly, 71, no. 1.

2017. “Mitgliedschaft neu denken: Staatenlosigkeit, Fremdherrschaft und die Grenzen von Staatsbürgerschaft”, in Grenze und Demokratie: Praktiken der Schließung und Überschreitung. Campus Verlag (2017).

2014. “Toward Postnational Membership? Tensions and Transformation in German and EU Citizenship,” Journal of International Law and International Relations, volume 10.